Fall/Winter Timetable

Undergraduate Course Offerings for Fall/Winter 2003-04

View Session: 2024-25 | 2023-24 | 2022-23 | 2021-22 | 2020-21 | 2019-20 | 2018-19 | 2017-18 | 2016-17 | 2015-16 | 2014-15 | 2013-14 | 2012-13 | 2011-12 | 2010-11 | 2009-10 | 2008-09 | 2007-08 | 2006-07 | 2005-06 | 2004-05 | 2003-04 | 2002-03 | 1998-99

View Course Offerings For: All | Fall Session | Winter Session | Both Sessions | Evenings

Sort By: Level | Area Group     Select Level: 100 | 200 | 300 | 400

100-level courses

Course Code * Title Section Instructor(s) Room TimeEnrol **Syllabus
POL103Y1YCanada in Comparative PoliticsL0101SimeonTBATBA
POL103Y1YCanada in Comparative PoliticsL5101SimeonTBATBA
POL108Y1YGlobal NetworksDeibert,

200-level courses

Course Code * Title Section Instructor(s) Room TimeEnrol **Syllabus
POL200Y1YPolitical Theory: Visions of the Just/Good SocietyL5101OrwinTBATBA
POL200Y1YPolitical Theory: Visions of the Just/Good SocietyL0101Kingston,
POL201H1YPolitics of DevelopmentMcCarney,
POL203Y1YU.S. Government and PoliticsLevineTBATBA
POL208H1YIntroduction to International RelationsL5101NorrlofTBATBA
POL215Y1YPolitics and Transformation of Asia-PacificBertrand,

300-level courses

Course Code * Title Section Instructor(s) Room TimeEnrol **Syllabus
POL300H1FTopics in Comparative Politics: Politics of Contemporary ChinaTBATBATBA
POL300H1STopics in Comparative Politics: Introduction to Political EconomyLevineTBATBA
POL301Y1YGovernment and Politics in AfricaHandleyTBATBA
JHP304Y1YUkraine: Politics, Economy and SocietyMagocsiTBATBA
POL305Y1YPolitics and Society in Latin AmericaFonsecaTBATBA
POL311Y1YIdeas and Ideologies in Canadian PerspectiveForbesTBATBA
POL312Y1YCanadian Foreign PolicyKirtonTBATBA
JPS315H1FLGBTQ PoliticsRaysideTBATBA
POL317Y1YComparative Public PolicyWongTBATBA
POL318H1FCanada and the Global Challenge Since 9/11, Part I: NAFTAClarksonTBATBA
POL320Y1YModern Political ThoughtChambersTBATBA
POL321H1FEthnic Politics in Comparative PerspectiveSchwartzTBATBA
POL324H1SThemes in European PoliticsKopsteinUC 179TBA
POL326Y1YUnited States Foreign PolicyJurgensenTBATBA
POL332Y1YCourts, Law, and Politics in Comparative PerspectiveSolomonTBATBA
POL337Y1YThe Canadian ConstitutionHirschlTBATBA
POL341H1FCanada and the Global Challenge since 9/11, Part II: The WTOClarksonTBATBA
POL342H1FCulture and Identity in World PoliticsGnamoTBATBA
JPP343H1YWomen in Western Political ThoughtCarens,
POL344Y1FSocial Movements in Europe and North AmericaTBAUC 163TBA
POL349H1SGlobal Urban PoliticsStrenTBATBA
POL350H1FPolitics of East Central EuropeWongTBATBA
POL354Y1YPolitics and Society in RussiaSchwartzTBATBA
POL356Y1YCanadian Political PartiesWisemanTBATBA
POL397Y1YResearch ParticipationClarksonTBATBA

400-level courses

Course Code * Title Section Instructor(s) Room TimeEnrol **Syllabus
POL401H1HDynamics of the Global Trade SystemClarksonTBATBA
POL402Y1HProblems in the Political Thought of the Socratic SchoolAlexanderTBATBA
POL414H1FPolitics of Independent UkraineL5101TBAUC 148W
17:00 -
POL417Y1YThe Third World in International PoliticsGnamoTBATBA
POL419Y1YQuantitative Methods and Data AnalysisFletcherTBATBA
JPJ421H1FComparative Constitutionalism: Rights and Judicial ReviewHirschlTBATBA
POL422H1HEthnonationalism and State-Building: The Communist and Postcommunist ExperienceSchwartzUC 248W
14:00 -
POL425Y1YMulticulturalism in CanadaForbesTBATBA
POL427H1FThe Spirit of Democratic CitizenshipHorowitzTBATBA
POL429H1HNationalism, Ethnic Conflict, and DemocracyBertrandTBATBA
POL436Y1YProblems of Political CommunityCarensTBATBA
POL438H1FTopics in Comparative Politics I: Politics of IdentityWongTBATBA
POL440Y1YThe Politics of Transition in Eastern EuropeBraunTBATBA
POL446H1F20th-Century Political ThoughtLippincottTBATBA
POL453Y1YThe Politics of Post-CommunismKopsteinTBATBA
POL458H1FThe Political Economy of International TradeNorrlofTBATBA
POL459Y1YThe Military Instrument of Foreign PolicyBraunTBATBA
POL464H1FUrban Policy and PolicymakingKirtonTBATBA
POL465H1SG8 and Global Governance IIKirtonTBATBA
POL466H1HTopics in International Politics IIISteinTBATBA
POL474H1FPolitics and Policy AnalysisWhiteTBATBA
POL486H1FTopics in International Politics IMatthewsTBATBA

* For an explanation of any course codes see Codes Used in Timetable Listings.

** P = Priority; E = Department’s Permission; P* = Priority, with various capacity for the different enrolment controls.

The course syllabi listed on this site are not necessarily the final versions and should not be taken as binding. Course syllabi may be altered subsequent to their being posted here. Students are responsible for attending classes and making themselves aware of the adjustments made to the syllabus.