Summer Timetable

POL487H1S L0101

Topics in International Politics II

Law and Practice of the United Nations


The United Nations, with its 193 member states, is the world-leading forum for multilateral action. As competing trends of globalization and fragmentation emerge in world politics, this course will explore contemporary debates about the UN’s law, practice, and relevance as a forum of global governance. Through an interdisciplinary lens, we will critically engage with key issues concerning the organization. This will include the questions of membership and participation in the decision-making of its main organs and how internal structures, as well as the current international political environment, affect this process. We will consider the law-making role of the UN and the issue of responsibility and legitimacy with particular attention to the actions of the Security Council in the areas of peacekeeping, sanctions and non-proliferation. The last part of the course will assess proposals for reform to the structure and membership of the UN primary bodies.


A selection of journal articles and book chapters TBA

Format and Requirements



POL208H1 or POL208Y1 or POL209H5 or POLB80H3