POL301H1F L0101
Colonial Legacies and Post-Independence African Politics
This course highlights the critical roles of pre-colonial and colonial histories in shaping contemporary political and economic developments in Africa. It will explore two related dimensions of African politics: first, the process of state formation and nation-building from wider theoretical perspectives and second, the origins and nature of the continent’s socio-economic crises and challenges. The course will trace, in national and global contexts, the historical development of the state system and governance on the continent and the development of African economies. The course proceeds to examine particular themes that characterize the nature of contemporary African politics and some important challenges including, but not limited to, democratic transition, identity-based conflicts, secessionism, foreign relations, contagious diseases, youth politics and gender issues, as well as the more recent resumption of growth across the continent.
Format and Requirements
1.0 credit in POL/ JPA/ JPF/ JPI/ JPR/ JPS/ JRA courses