Summer Timetable

POL222H1F L5101

Introduction to Quantitative Reasoning I


Introduces the foundations of quantitative empirical research methods, which are an increasingly popular and important part of political science research. Public policy debates are also heavily informed by quantitative research. Students will learn to interpret and evaluate studies that employ these methods. Topics include causal theory (making claims about causation), quantitative empirical research designs (observational data; experiments), and measurement (concept validity; covariation; correlation; linear regression and other forms of statistical significance testing).


No textbook is required. Any recommended or required readings will be posted on Quercus.

Format and Requirements

Two lectures/labs per week with regular tutorials. The course will be assessed by two assignments (25% each), two class tests (10% each) and interpretation of a research paper (20%), plus small quizzes and tutorial participation (10%).


1.0 credit in POL/ JPA/ JPF/ JPI/ JPR/ JPS/ JRA courses
