Summer Timetable

POL360H1F L0101

Topics in Latin American Politics

Political Ecology and Extractivism in the Americas


The Faculty of Arts and Science have decided that all Summer 2020 F and Y courses will be offered remotely rather than in person. A final determination of the delivery mode for S courses will be made by June 13.


This third year course introduces students to Political Ecology approaches to the study of Latin American politics. The course examines historical and contemporary state-society-nature relations, with an emphasis on the relationship between extractivism and development and attempts to resist exclusion, inequality, and environmental racism. Case studies of note include the formation of the petrostate in Venezuela and Ecuador, mining sectors in Chile and Bolivia, and agribusiness in Brazil and Argentina.



Format and Requirements



1.0 credit in POL/ JPA/ JPF/ JPI/ JPR/ JPS/ JRA courses
