Summer Timetable

POL377H1F L0101

Topics in Comparative Politics I

Genocide and Ethnic Cleansing


This course provides a framework for understanding and analyzing genocide and ethnic cleansing as distinct political phenomena. Utilizing a comparative approach, this course introduces students to competing explanations as to the causes, dynamics, participants in, and means of preventing, mass atrocity. The course is organized into five parts. The first part of the course introduces students to the process of identity formation, and when certain identities become salient within society. The second part of the course examines who participates in genocide, who resists, and why. The third part of the course asks why and how genocide or ethnic cleansing occurs at all, and addresses this problem from a range of approaches and levels of analysis. The fourth part of the course is empirical, applying the analytical tools developed in the first three sections to pairs of case studies. The final part of the class focuses on prevention and reconciliation following genocide or ethnic cleansing.


There is no required reader or textbooks for purchase in this course.

Format and Requirements

Film Response 20%, Research Essay 40%, Final Exam 40%


1.0 credit in POL/ JPA/ JPF/ JPI/ JPR/ JPS/ JRA courses