Fall/Winter Timetable
POL486H1F L0101
Topics in International Politics I
Is the World Falling Apart?
In this time of growing collective angst it is useful to step back and explore these important and potentially existential questions. This conversation is precisely what this seminar seeks to foster. Are the events we see around us signifiers of deeper (and perhaps alarming) change? How can we know? What policy areas should most concern us? Is there anything we can learn from history? What role do we play in determining the future? Through engagement with texts from various perspectives and intellectual traditions we will try to reflect on these questions, and more.
Please paste the following link in your browser for the syllabus:
POL208H1 or POL208Y1 or POL209H5 or POLB80H3
January 29, 2024
The winners of the 2022-2023 undergraduate awards were announced at the annual celebration, held this year on the evening of January 25. Presiding over the award ceremony were Undergraduate Director...
January 26, 2023
Congratulations to our 2021/22 undergraduate award & scholarship recipients! Following a two-year hiatus, the department was delighted to return to hosting our undergraduate awards in-person this year to celebrate our...
June 3, 2021
In a bid to motivate her students in what has been a very difficult academic year, Professor Rebecca Kingston decided to give those enrolled in the winter 2021 term of...
May 21, 2020
Congratulations to undergraduate student Cheryl Cheung who has received a University of Toronto Excellence Award (UTEA). Going into her third year majoring in political science, with minors in visual studies...
January 29, 2020
Congratulations to all our amazing undergraduate students who picked up one the department’s twenty-three awards and scholarships at our annual undergraduate awards ceremony. In attendance were Dean of Arts &...