Fall/Winter Timetable

POL485H1F L5101

Topics in Political Thought II

Plato on Justice and Political Virtue


In this course, we will investigate how a prominent group of ancient intellectuals called ‘sophists’ conceived of political virtue and the nature of political society. Plato’s dialogues are important witnesses to lively debates about rival conceptions of justice among these intellectuals. How did they conceptualize political society and its ‘political science’? Is justice a capacity innate in all human beings, or a democratic ploy to constrain the truly able? Themes we will explore in the context of this investigation include the role of punishment, shame, greed, rhetoric and free speech. We will also reflect on the question of what role philosophy has to play in political society.


Plato, Protagoras and Gorgias.

Format and Requirements

One two-hour seminar per week. Participation (25%); Argumentative Essay (30%); Reading Reflection (10%); Final Paper (35%).