Fall/Winter Timetable

POL379H1S L0101

Topics in Comparative Politics III

Transnational Feminisms: Questioning Power from the Margins


Focusing on the diverse experiences of women living at the margins of nation-states, transnational feminisms have destabilized the notion that women around the world share the same type of oppression. In doing so, they have contributed important analyses of power that acknowledge the intersections between historical formations of capitalism, racism, and patriarchy. This course centers the works of women of color and “Third World” feminists and activists, exploring the conceptions of power and resistance contained in their works. Through engagement with transnational feminist theories and political manifestos, this course will invite everyone, not only women, to see questions of labor, care provision, war and violence, ecological protection, and solidarity across borders, anew. It will also challenge students to reflect on their own experience and position within global systems of domination.


1.0 credit in POL/ JPA/ JPF/ JPI/ JPR/ JPS/ JRA courses
