Fall/Winter Timetable

POL354H1F L0101

Politics and Society in Russia


Russia’s invasion of Ukraine marks a turning point, not only in the post-Cold War international order, but also in the development of the Russian polity and economy. How did we get here? Who is Vladimir Putin, how did he rise to power, and how has his regime changed over the past two decades? We will take a historical approach to these questions, examining the evolution of Russian politics and society since the collapse of the Soviet Union. After acquiring a basic knowledge of Russia’s political development since Gorbachev, students will explore a variety of themes in contemporary politics, including public opinion, the media, economic reform, civil society and interest groups, state building, federalism, regional diversity, and Russia’s behavior on the international stage. This last theme brings us full circle, back to Putin’s war in Ukraine and its near-future implications. Here, we will consider not only the prospects for Russia’s political future but also how the country might adapt to the other challenges it will face in coming decades—especially climate change.


Vladimir Gel’man, Authoritarian Russia: Analysing Post-Soviet Regime Changes; Marshall T. Poe, The Russian Moment in World History; others TBA.

Format and Requirements

One two-hour lecture per week. Participation 10%, weekly reading quizzes 25%, midterm exam 30%, final exam 35%.


1.0 credit in POL/ JPA/ JPF/ JPI/ JPR/ JPS/ JRA courses
