Fall/Winter Timetable

POL470H1S L0101

Graduate Course Code: POL2370H1S L0101

Media and Politics


News media have long played an enormous role in democratic politics by shaping the behaviour of citizens and political elites alike. Technological changes over the past several decades have radically transformed the way politics is reported by journalists and discussed by citizens. This course will introduce students to important debates at the intersection of media and politics in Canada and other Western democracies. Topics include the historical development of news media, framing and priming effects, agenda setting, the rise of social media and the changing media landscape, echo chambers and partisan media, media bias, and problems of misinformation.

Format and Requirements

One two-hour lecture per week. Course requirements TBA




2.0 credits in POL/ JPA/ JPF/ JPI/ JPR/ JPS/ JRA courses, POL222H1/ POL242Y5/ POLC78H3