Fall/Winter Timetable

POL442H1S L0101

Graduate Course Code: POL2405H1S L0101

Topics in Latin American Politics

Protest and Social Movements in Latin America


This course will examine the vital role of Latin America in the global geography of resistance from the late 20th Century to the present day. It will consider how democratization, neoliberalism and post-neoliberalism have created specific structural, institutional and cultural conditions for the emergence of different kinds of subaltern organizing and mobilizing in the region, with special attention to the intersecting politics of class, ethnicity, nation, gender, sexuality and race. It will also investigate the ways in which people in Latin America have reshaped the practice and meaning of citizenship through their struggles. Drawing on a variety of theoretical traditions, critical scholarly approaches and empirical cases, the course asks broad questions, including the following: How have social movements resisted or negotiated participation in neoliberal and post-neoliberal models of development? What kinds of identities or alternative visions of modernity have been articulated by protest and social movements in Latin America?



Format and Requirements



(POL201H1 or POL201Y1 or POLB90H3 or POLB91H3), (POL305H1 or POL305Y1)
