Fall/Winter Timetable

POL475Y1Y L0101

Graduate Course Code: POL2075Y1Y L0101

Post-Modern and Contemporary Thought


This examines the postmodern and posthuman. Beginning with aspects of Western philosophy that underlie postmodernism, including Georges Bataille’s understanding of social exchange extended toJean Baudrillard's reworking of symbolic exchange. Then the analysis of Paul Virilio's understanding of technology on the social. Next, a discussion of capitalism and 'virtual' systems in the work of Deleuze and Guattari. Following Deleuze we study Alain Baidou who rejects Deleuze’s philosophy opting for an ontology of truth. Coupled with the ‘rhizomatic’ concept of Guattari and Delouse we enter a discussion of the posthuman through Catherine Hayles’ reflection on cybernetics and Donna Haraway’s extension of relations to the world of others including our companion species. This view will be discussed with Agamben’s view of life between the human and the animal. The course will also examine an alternate view of science, myth and philosophy in the work of Michel Serres.


May include, Virilio’s Speed and Politics, Baudrillard's In the Shadow of the Silent Majorities, Derrida's Given Time, Baidou’s Second Manifesto for Philosopy, Hayles’ How we become Posthuman, selections from Deleuze and Guattari, Haraway’ Simians, Cyborgs and Agamben’s Homo Sacer, Serres’ The Natural Contract.

Format and Requirements

One two-hour seminar per week. Course requirements TBA.


POL200Y1 or POL200Y5 or (POLC70H3 and POLC71H3)