Fall/Winter Timetable

POL492H1F L0101

Topics in Comparative Politics IV

Theories of Comparative Politics


This course is a seminar that explores some of the main theoretical contributions that have influenced the intellectual directions of comparative politics. Discussion focuses on some of the “classics” in the field; it examines the assumptions underpinning those contributions as well as how these different outlooks stand in relation to each other. Students are expected to cover the required readings for each seminar. Selections from the recommended readings will be presented as complements to the required readings.



Format and Requirements

Students are required to make two in-class presentations each of which is to be accompanied by a one page summary of the main aspects of their presentation. The expectation is that students will contribute to the classroom discussion. And students are required to submit one short written paper in the first part of the semester and to submit a longer paper at the end of the course.


2.0 POL credits