Fall/Winter Timetable

POL300H1F L0301

Topics in Comparative Politics

Judaism and Politics


This course explores the Jewish tradition of governance over time and place. The two central themes are how Jews govern themselves as a community and how they relate to the political system of the nation-state. The first few sessions explore the development of the Jewish political tradition from the Biblical period through the early modern/modern period, examining the major political roles assumed by Jews (prophet, intermediary, etc.) and the political systems in Jewish communities. The remainder of the class contrasts Jewry in the two largest contemporary communities, the United States and Israel. The US is a multiethnic, liberal democracy where religion is purely a voluntary matter and no concern of the state. By contrast, Israel defines itself as a Jewish state and is the only nation on the earth with a Jewish majority. How do these differences affect communal governance and participation in national politics.



Format and Requirements



1.0 POL credit