POL356Y1Y L5101
Canadian Political Parties
This course traces the emergence, evolution, and setting of Canada’s federal and provincial political parties. Topics include theoretical perspectives on party systems, behavioural characteristics of the major and minor parties, party cultures, ideology and policy, party organization, membership, and participation, leaders and leadership selection, elections and campaigning, the electoral system, voting, and public opinion, parliamentary and extra-parliamentary party activities, the financing and marketing of parties, the role of media, and the representation of interests.
Hugh G. Thorburn and Alan Whitehorn, eds., Party Politics in Canada 8th ed. (Toronto: Prentice Hall, 2001); Alain-G. Gagnon and A. Brian Tanguay, eds., Canadian Parties in Transition, 3rd ed. (Peterborough: Broadview Press, 2007).
Format and Requirements
Weekly lecture, two essays (45%), 2 two-hour tests (45%), class attendance and participation (10%).
POL214Y1 or POL214Y5 or POLB50Y3 or POL224Y1