News & Announcements

Award Shortlist

November 30, 2022

Congratulations to Lynette Ong whose article “Thugs and Outsourcing of State Repression in China,” was shortlisted for the first annual Routledge Area Studies Award (Impact section). From the website: “The judges praised the high standard and quality of all the Award applications received. Our aim was to highlight original published research which showcases the unique […]

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Winning Research

November 23, 2022

Congratulations to our faculty members who have received a Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) 2022 Insight Development Grant: Phillip Lipscy (Title of Project: Institutional Racism in International Relations). Lynette Ong (Title of Project: The Politics of Real Estate in China and Hong Kong). Alison Smith (Title of Project: The Politics of […]

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UTM Research Prize

October 26, 2022

Congratulations to Alison Smith who has received one of UTM’s annual research prizes for 2021-2022. Awarded to outstanding early career faculty members from the Humanities, Social Sciences and the Sciences, the award is open to tenured or tenure-stream faculty whose major appointment is at the University of Toronto Mississauga. Awards are made on the basis […]

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Britta Baumgarten Memorial Prize 2022

October 13, 2022

Congratulations to Kate Neville whose co-authored article “Slow Justice: A Framework for Tracing Diffusion and Legacies of Resistance” has been awarded the 2022 Britta Baumgarten Memorial Prize by the journal Social Movement Studies. The online announcement is as follows: “We dedicate this memorial prize to a wonderful colleague who left us far too soon, Britta […]

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Aisha Ahmad among Royal Society of Canada’s Class of 2022

September 8, 2022

Congratulations to Professor Aisha Ahmad who is among 54 new Members of the RSC (Royal Society of Canada) College. The College consists of mid-career leaders who provide the RSC with a multigenerational capacity to help Canada and the world address major challenges and seize new opportunities including those identified in emerging fields. Professor Ahmad is […]

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Mildred A. Schwartz Lifetime Achievement Award

September 7, 2022

Congratulations to Professor Emeritus Graham White who, along with Donald Savoie, has been awarded APSA’s (American Political Science Association) annual Mildred A. Schwartz Lifetime Achievement Award (2022) from the Canadian Politics Section. The award honours the leading lights in the field of Political Sociology who have made significant contributions to the study of Canadian politics, […]

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New Appointments

July 5, 2022

As of July 1, the department is delighted to announce the following appointments: Ryan Balot, Chair, Political Science, UTSG (July 1, 2022 until June 30, 2027) Steven Bernstein, Interim Chair, Political Science, UTM (July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2023) Christopher Cochrane, Interim Chair, Political Science, UTSC (July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2023) Theresa […]

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New Faces

July 5, 2022

The Department of Political Science is proud to welcome and introduce the newest members of the Political Science Community! Julian Campisi (PhD, York University) joined UTSC in September 2021 as Assistant Professor, Teaching Stream. His research focuses on political risk analysis in developed economies. He was a 2020/21 MITACS Science Policy Fellow at DND/CAF, and […]

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SSHRC Insight Grants 2022

July 4, 2022

Congratulations to our faculty members who have received a Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) 2022 Insight Grant: Sylvia Bashevkin (Title of Project: Assessing the Impact of Abortion Rights Activism in Alberta, BC, Manitoba and Ontario, 1990 – 2025). Jessica Green (Title of Project: International NGOs and the Future of Climate Governance). […]

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Lee Kong Chian Fellow

June 15, 2022

Congratulations to Professor Jacques Bertrand who has been appointed as the Lee Kong Chian NUS-Stanford Visiting Fellow for 2022-23. The Lee Kong Chian Fellowship on Southeast Asia is the core of the Lee Kong Chian NUS-Stanford Initiative on Southeast Asia, a joint effort established in 2007 by the National University of Singapore and Stanford University […]

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