Fall/Winter Timetable

POL2780H1F L0101

Workshop Seminar for MA and PhD students

Authoritarianism and the Authoritarian Subject


This seminar considers the varied relationships between regime, society, and the individual under authoritarian rule. It begins by surveying pillars of authoritarianism, such as repression, political economy, political institutions, and information management. It then turns to topics such as informality, resistance, coping, ethnic relations, capitalism, public goods provision, and legitimacy. Through this seminar, we get a closer view of many of the (often ignored) dynamics of life under authoritarianism.



Format and Requirements

The workshop will be limited to 9 students. It will place much weight on student participation. At the start of term, the instructor will divide the students into groups of two or three. Each group meets weekly with the instructor and students are also required to meet independently for one hour. At the heart of every workshop is the interaction between the instructor and a small group of students. At these weekly meetings, one student delivers a prepared essay pertaining to the week’s material, while the other students—and then the instructor—offer a critique. In the following week, students switch roles. The specific requirements are TBD.