Fall/Winter Timetable

JPJ2048H1F L0101

Undergraduate Course Code: LAW294H1F L0101

International Human Rights Law


This course aims to achieve two goals: first, to equip students with a technical competence in articulating, interpreting and responding to claims made in the language of international human rights law, and to enable students to navigate
sources, principles and arguments effectively, and; second, to induce students – even as they familiarize themselves with the law of human rights – to simultaneously understand “human rights” as a field of political praxis. Through the course, students will ideally become more reflexive in understanding the diverse, and at times contradictory, political effects of articulating claims in terms of human rights, and the way in which “human rights” are used in local, national and global political struggles. Students will be encouraged throughout the course to “think the limits” of human rights as a political praxis, and the pros and cons of articulating demands in the language of human rights. Readings will be drawn from both law and social sciences.

Format and Requirements

A 10 page analytical paper (based on course readings) due mid-term (40%) and a 24 hour take-home exam (60%) to be signed out from and returned to the Records Office. The examination may be taken during any 24 hour period, excluding weekends, between the first day of the examination period and due no later than the set deadline for written work in the applicable term (see Take-home Policy in Syllabus for details).