Fall/Winter Timetable

POL2800H1S L0101

Special Topics

Statistical Analysis and Inference for Political Scientists


The course addresses topics in statistical inference and regression analysis. While the course aims to provide an understanding of why and how different statistical methods are used, it also applies formal tools (i.e. combinatorics, probability functions and parameters and matrix algebra) to develop testing procedures or problem-solving heuristics. The first part of the course focuses on the application of probability concepts and statistical tests. The second part involves the use of non-linear and multivariate regression and correlation techniques and deals with potential problems in the data. The goal is to provide an understanding of statistical methods to (i) conduct statistical tests in a variety of applications, (ii) model and quantify dependencies between variables and (iii) understand more advanced statistical concepts to support independent academic work. The course uses a dataset from the Canadian Census containing social, economic and immigration variables to test hypotheses about the Canadian city-region system. Along with a mathematical introduction to various methods, their application through the use of statistical computer packages (i.e. SPSS) is also part of the course.

Format and Requirements

One two-hour seminar/computer lab per week with opportunity for in-class discussion. The course work consists of the following components: several assignments, class participation and a final take-home exam.