News & Announcements

A Tribute to Richard Simeon

October 15, 2013

It is with great sadness that we have learned of Richard Simeon‘s passing. Richard was a wonderful friend and colleague to many people in our department. He was an exceptional scholar and a superb mentor to junior colleagues and students alike. I am grateful to David Cameron and Grace Skogstad, two of his long-time friends […]

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Professor Ron Deibert talks to CBC Radio about Canada's spy program

October 10, 2013

The Communications Security Establishment Canaeda (CSEC) is alleged to have used it resources to spy on Brazil based on documents leaked by former NSA employee Robert Snowden. Recently the President of Brazil accused Canada of “cyberwar” after allegations that government hackers in Ottawa likely tried to steal state secrets from the South American country’s mining […]

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Professor Renan Levine discusses the implications of the U.S. shutdown on Canada's economy

October 10, 2013

The United States’ federal government shutdown is now in its seventh day. The stalemate over specifics of the debt ceiling, President Barack Obama’s Affordable Care Act and the operating budget continues to stall the American economy with no end in sight. Renan Levine teaches U.S. politics at the University of Toronto Scarborough campus.He explains his […]

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Professor Harald Bathelt discusses Canadian innovation (or lack thereof) on TVO's The Agenda with Steve Paikin

October 8, 2013

Canada the Cautious We had the Walkie-Talkie. The Canadarm. The Blackberry. Where is the next big Canadian idea coming from? And what is holding us back? Study after study confirms that Canadians are lagging in innovation and entrepreneurship. Are there structural problems keeping us from inventing the next big product or is a conservative Canadian […]

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Professor Diana Fu profiled by U of T News

October 8, 2013

Professor Diana Fu was one of three new faculty members recently profiled by U of T News: “My main project is completing a book manuscript on state control and civil society contention in authoritarian China,” says Fu, who specialises in comparative politics, with an emphasis on China. A native from China, Fu will bring her […]

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Political Science Alumni Association Meeting

October 8, 2013

  The Political Science Alumni Association (PSAA) is holding their first meeting for the 2013-14 academic year on Thursday, October 17, 2013 in Sidney Smith Hall, Room 3130, 6-8 p.m. All POL alumni are invited to attend or join us via teleconference. Toll Free dial in # is: 888-289-4573 or 416-645-1179 – Access Code: 6198520 […]

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Professors Wiseman and Loewen discuss the Federal Horserace

October 8, 2013

In an article posted by The Hill Times on Monday, Oct. 7th, Professors Nelson Wiseman and Peter Loewen discuss Federal elections: University of Toronto political science professor Nelson Wiseman said he believes the current trends in voter opinion will continue into 2015, and the Liberals are likely to regain their historical advantage against the NDP, […]

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Why revolutionary regimes are so durable: A Q & A with Professor Lucan Way

October 8, 2013

Recently Political Science Professor Lucan Way sat down for an interview with U of T News to discuss his research into regimes. Professor Way discusses what exactly a revolutionary regime is, why they are so durable and then briefly touches upon Egypt and Syria. What is a revolutionary regime? A revolutionary regime is one that […]

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The Noah Blackstein and Michael Donnelly Graduate Fellowships in Political Economy

September 23, 2013

As a result of two generous gifts to the department by former student Noah Blackstein, two new graduate fellowships have been created. The Noah Blackstein and the Michael Donnelly Graduate Fellowships will be awarded to PhD students engaged in the study of political economy. Mr. Blackstein donated these gifts because, as he said, his experience […]

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Congratulations on Tenure!

September 19, 2013

The Department of Political Science would like to congratulate Professor’s Ruth Marshall, Wendy Wong and Rauna Kuokkanen on their successful tenure promotions! To read more about these faculty members please click below: Professor Ruth Marshall Professor Wendy Wong Professor Rauna Kuokkanen

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