Summer Timetable

POL382H1F L0101

Topics in Canadian Politics

Indigenous Nations and the Canadian State


By the end of this course, I hope students will be able to consider and look at the following concepts relating to Indigenous/Canadian relations as well as with the field of political science:
• Be more adept at reading political science literature, identifying the main arguments, points and potential ‘gaps’ in the literature/argument.
• Assessing the literature at hand through critical responses.
• Understand the historical and contemporary causations and situations relating to Indigenous/Canadian relations, policy, and politics.
• Understand that Indigenous nations and peoples in relation to Canadian politics, political science, and, to the Canadian state, are far bigger and complex than we are taught throughout our time in education.

Format and Requirements

Participation (15%); Written Test #1 (20%); Written Test #2 (25%); Exam (40%)