News & Announcements

Best Book on Law and Courts

March 31, 2015

The Department congratulates Professor Ran Hirschl, whose recent book: Comparative Matters: The Renaissance of Comparative Constitutional Law (OUP, 2014), has won the 2015 American Political Science Association C. Herman Pritchett award for the best book on law & courts. The only other Canadian author to have won this award is our own Peter Russell, in […]

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FIRST! / Seminar Series

March 27, 2015

Our final two speakers events of the year are fast approaching. Please join us on the following dates: April 10 from Noon-2 pm: FIRST! Welcomes Andy Eggers, University of Oxford, will be presenting in Room 3130. April 17 from Noon-2pm: The Seminar series will feature Alexander Wendt, Ohio State University. He, too, will be presenting […]

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Congrats David!

March 26, 2015

The Department of Political Science offers a hearty congratulations to Mr. David Cosolo for being awarded a position in the prestigious Jaimie Anderson Parliamentary Internship. David is a fourth year student at the U of T studying International Relations, American Studies, and Political Science. In his time here, David has served as Co-President of the […]

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Inequality and Canadian Politics

March 20, 2015

Professor Peter Loewen has published an op-ed in today’s Ottawa Citizen on the topic of inequality. “[post-transfer] inequality has increased principally because government is transferring less to poor citizens. The problem is then not too little government spending or even too little taxing, but the wrong spending,” he says. “Ultimately, addressing inequality will require winning […]

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Think You Know U of T?

March 13, 2015

This weekend, the University is celebrating it’s 188th birthday. To celebrate the occasion, we’ve put together a little quiz to test your knowledge of the U of T’s history. Check it out: Let us know your score on Facebook or Twitter.

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John H. Moss Scholar

March 12, 2015

A huge congratulations to fourth-year Political Science and History student Jozef A. Kosc, who has been awarded the prestigious John H. Moss Scholarship to read for an MPhil in International Relations at Oxford next year. To learn more about Jozef’s accomplishments, please read his story here  

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Tory’s First 100 Days

March 11, 2015

New Toronto Mayor John Tory’s first 100 days in office have now elapsed. So far, how successful has the mayor been in uniting a divided city council and navigating a litany of complex public policy issues? Renan Levine, a political science professor at the University of Toronto at Scarborough recently told CTV News that, so […]

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March 5, 2015

The Association of Political Science Students (APSS) had an excellent turnout for it’s February event – a panel discussion on “Aboriginal Politics Today” that featured Professor Peter Russell and Nelson Wiseman. The purpose of this talk was to serve as a general introduction to contemporary Aboriginal Politics in Canada. “Aboriginal political issues seem always to […]

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Government Funding Essential To Innovation

March 5, 2015

Political Science professors David Wolfe and Dan Breznitz are quoted in a recent story in The Toronto Star about the importance of having the state, not the private sector, be a key funder of innovation. To read the entire story please click here

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Following Germany’s Lead

March 4, 2015

**Updated** Please check out Professors Bathelt and Hansen on last night’s episode of The Agenda with Steve Paikin, where they discuss the current prowess of Germany in a segment called “Germany and the World”. For more, please take a look at the video posted on the TVO website, here and here   *Media Advisory* Professors […]

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