News & Announcements

Political Science student wins Rhodes scholarship

November 26, 2015

James Flynn, currently pursuing an honours bachelor of arts in economics and political science at Trinity College, is one of three students from U of T’s Faculty of Arts & Science heading to the University of Oxford as a Rhodes Scholar in October, 2016. A Newfoundland native, Flynn’s research interests lie in Chinese politics and […]

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Backpack to Briefcase: where students and alumni meet

November 25, 2015

As part of the Backpack to Briefcase (b2B) program, U of T’s Political Science and Economics departments recently joined forces to host a ‘Mentorship Meal’ at U of T’s Faculty Club. The program, run by the Faculty of Arts and Science, is designed to bring students and alumni together in various social settings such as […]

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G20 and the PM

November 25, 2015

As part of this year’s G-20 summit held in Antalya, Turkey, members of the G20 Research Group, co-founded by Political Science Professor John Kirton, had the priviledge of meeting Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. They presented him with a copy of ‘G20 Turkey: The Antalya Summit 2015,’ the briefing book edited annually by John Kirton and […]

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Mapping economic links between China and Canada

November 25, 2015

The Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada recently published a report on the economic ties between Canada and China authored by Harald Bathelt and Peng-fei Li showing that although there is a very large Chinese immigrant community in Canada, economic linkages between the two countries are still quite limited. In this report, patterns of Canadian investments […]

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Patricia McCarney announces new ‘Global Cities Institute’ advisor

November 24, 2015

Political Science Professor Patricia McCarney has announced the appointment of Joe Pennachetti, the top civil servant in Toronto, to the role of executive advisor to the Global Cities Institute at U of T, as well as the World Council on City Data (WCCD). Speaking to U of T News, McCarney, director of the institute, said […]

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Phil Triadafilopoulos on Conservative campaign mistakes

November 23, 2015

In the wake of recent assaults on Muslims, Phil Triadafilopoulos spoke to The Tyee saying the Conservatives were taught a lesson by their failed re-election campaign. Even though polls and research showed public support for issues like the niqab ban, it came with a cost. “Last election was a tough case of whether you can […]

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Canada’s ‘damaged relationship’ with U.S. overplayed according to Peter Loewen

November 23, 2015

Following the first meeting between Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and U.S. President Barack Obama during this weeks APEC summit in Manila, Trudeau’s principal secretary, Gerald Butts, tweeted that his boss’s “top foreign policy priority would be to repair Canada’s damaged relationship with the US.” But Peter Loewen, head of the Centre for the Study of […]

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The strategic value of compassion

November 20, 2015

In light of the Paris attacks last week, Aisha Ahmad, political scientist at the University of Toronto explains in The Globe and Mail how a strategic response can undercut the financial base of IS, disrupt its recruitment, and prove that its toxic ideology holds no weight saying: ‘Saving the refugees is not just a moral […]

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From political refugee to political science degree

November 17, 2015

Celebrating convocation and being the first in her family to graduate from university, Sara Rahimi, spoke to U of T News about her journey from Iran in 2001 to becoming a political science alumna. The full story is available here.

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No “magic silver bullet” to deal with terrorism threat says Aisha Ahmad

November 16, 2015

Along with other security experts, University of Toronto political science Professor Aisha Ahmad spoke to CBC news in the wake of this weekends terrorist attacks in Paris stating extremist organizations will continue to use the “style” of soft-target attacks to advance their strategic goals. The full article is available here.      

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