News & Announcements

Snowden lawyer discusses need for Citizen Lab with director Ron Deibert

February 4, 2016

Nearly 250 people turned up to U of T’s Innis Town Hall to hear Ben Wizner, the lawyer for the exiled American computer analyst Edward Snowden, in conversation with Political Scientist Ron Deibert, director of Citizen Lab. Wizner told the audience that countries like Canada need independent courts (not judges who turn a blind eye […]

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Celebrating Undergraduate Achievement

January 29, 2016

The annual Political Science Undergraduate Awards, which recognize exceptional students (2014 – 2015) took place this week with students, parents, faculty and donors in attendance. Presided over by Associate Chair and Undergraduate Director Rodney Haddow, the awards were presented to the students by the Chair Louis Pauly. Asked why these awards matter, Haddow commented on […]

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Clarity needed on fight against ISIL

January 25, 2016

Peter Loewen, associate professor in the department of political science and the Munk School of Global Affairs at the University of Toronto, regularly contributes to the Ottawa Citizen. Here he looks at the months since the election of our new government and how little clarity there has been on Canada’s role in the fight against […]

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ISIS talks snub ‘deserved’

January 22, 2016

U of T News asked political science professor Randall Hansen, director of the Centre for European, Russian and Eurasian Studies at the Munk School of Global Affairs, for his views when Canadian defence minister Harjit Sajjan wasn’t invited to the recent ISIS talks in Paris. The Liberal government’s decision to suspend aerial combat missions against […]

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Several Political Science faculty attend TPP gathering

January 21, 2016

A recent gathering at the Munk School of Global Affairs to discuss the implications of the Trans-Pacific Partnership deal was attended by several Political Science faculty including Dan Breznitz, Janice Stein and David Wolfe. Organised at the request of international trade minister Chrystia Freeland, who promised to take into consideration everything that was said at […]

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How Nunavut came to be

January 19, 2016

How the territory of Nunavut and its government came to be is the subject of a new book by retired Political Science Professor Graham White and social researcher Jack Hicks. With stories and details gathered together for the first time, Made in Nunavut: An Experiment in Decentralized Government provides a behind-the-scenes view, a critical evaluation […]

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Political Science student pushes for mandatory Indigenous Studies on Metro Morning

January 15, 2016

The Truth and Reconciliation report had 94 recommendations including mandatory aboriginal studies for Canadians from kindergarten though Grade 12. Matt Galloway spoke with Audrey Rochette, a fourth-year political science student at UofT who is spearheading a petition on behalf of the University’s Native Students’ Association, urging the school to implement a mandatory Indigenous Studies course […]

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Politics and Pictures

January 8, 2016

Political Science doctoral student Milan Ilnyckyj believes the best photographs serve a dual goal – they should serve a documentary as well as an aesthetic purpose. Recently featured in University of Toronto Magazine, his interest in climate change activism has led him to photograph such events as the People’s Climate March in New York in […]

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Janice Stein predicts global affairs in 2016

January 7, 2016

Political scientist and international relations expert Janice Stein recently spoke to U of T News about what might be making international headlines in 2016 following a year when terrorism, the refugee crisis and the global struggle with climate change were the dominant issues. The full article is available here.    

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What Toronto needs in 2016 according to Patricia McCarney

January 7, 2016

In the run up to 2016, University of Toronto News sat down with three academic experts to discuss what our city should focus on in the coming year. Among them, Political Scientist Patrica McCarney who researches standardizing data for global cities, enabling better information sharing. Her ideas included lowering carbon emissions, multi-level governmental progress on […]

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