Macleod, Stefan



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Political Theory


Margaret (Peggy) Kohn

Macleod, Stefan


Global Money and Global Justice: A Normative Inquiry into Dollar Hegemony


Stefan’s research is in contemporary normative political theory, with a particular focus on global distributive justice and the global financial system. Prior to joining the PhD program at UofT, Stefan completed a Bachelors in philosophy and political science at McGill University (2017) and a Masters in philosophy from Queen’s University (2018).

Stefan’s dissertation provides a normative diagnosis of the global financial system, with a focus on the distributional effects and political interests produced by the dominance of the US dollar. The dissertation is part of a broader project in political theory to understand the nature of money and its relationship with theories of global justice.

Research Interests

Global Justice, Cosmopolitanism, Political Economy, Theories of Solidarity

Previous Degrees

B. A. (Hons) Philosophy and Political Science, McGill University (2017);
M. A. Philosophy, Queen’s University (2018)