
David A. Wolfe

Office Location

MU 367S

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Area Group(s)

  • Canadian Government
  • Comparative Politics
  • Public Policy


  • MESc, Carleton University
  • M.A., Carleton University
  • Ph.D., University of Toronto

David A. Wolfe

Professor Emeritus
Acting Associate Vice-President International Partnerships at University of Toronto


Dr. David A. Wolfe is Professor of Political Science at UTM and Co-Director of the Innovation Policy Lab at the Munk School of Global Affairs and Public Policy. From 2009 to 2014 he was the Royal Bank Chair in Public and Economic Policy at the University of Toronto. He has been the Principal Investigator on two Major Collaborative Research Initiatives funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, the first on Innovation Systems and Economic Development: The Role of Local and Regional Clusters in Canada and the second on Social Dynamics of Economic Performance: Innovation and Creativity in City-Regions. He has just completed a major SSHRC Partnership Grant on Creating Digital Opportunity: Canada’s ICT Industry in Global Perspective that ns ran from 2014 to 2020.
Prof. Wolfe has published extensively on cluster dynamics and related knowledge-based economic development. He was also the CIBC Scholar-in-Residence at the Conference Board of Canada in 2008-2009 and published 21st Century Cities in Canada: The Geography of Innovation in that capacity. In addition, he is the editor or co-editor of ten books and numerous scholarly articles. His most recent book, is Growing Urban Economies: Innovation, Creativity and Governance in Canadian City-Regions

Research Interests

  • Political Economy of Technological Change
  • Regional and Local Innovation
  • Civic Governance with Special Reference to Canada and Ontario

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