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- MESc, Wright State University
- M.A., University of Alberta
- Ph.D., University of Toronto
Joseph Fletcher
Professor Emeritus
Publications include The Clash of Rights, (Yale Univ. Press); Ideas in Action, (U of T Press); “Hercules and the Legislator,” CJPS; “Mass and Elite Attitudes toward Wiretapping,” POQ; “Political Culture and the Problem of Double Standards,” CJPS; “Participation and Attitudes Toward Civil Liberties” IPSR; “Education, Occupation and Vote in Canada, 1965-1984,” CRSA; “Canadian Attitudes Toward Affirmative Action,” Political Behavior; “The Fallacy of Democratic Elitism,” BJPS; “Response Time Measurement in Survey Research,” POQ; “Psychological and Cultural Foundations of Prejudice,” CRSA; “Two Timing,” Pol. Psych.; “The Theory of Democratic Elitism Revisited” CJPS; “Pub. Opinion and the Courts,” Choices, “Islam and Intolerance in Central Asia,” EAS :”Losing Heart: Marketing of the Mission in Afghanistan”, CJPS, “Emotional Determinants of Support for the Mission in Afghanistan”. CJPS.