PhD Candidate Jamie Levin discusses the campaign against SodaStream

October 8, 2013

Jamie Levin, a PhD candidate focusing on international relations, recently co-authored an article with Sarah Treleaven for Harpers Magazine discussing the campaign against the Israeli company, SodaStream.

SodaStream is a kitchen appliance which allows users to carbonate their own tap water and, with the addition of syrup, transform it into flavored soda.

“The device, which retails in the United States for $79.95 and up, is marketed as a thrifty and environmentally friendly alternative to the purchase of name-brand soft drinks. Between 2009 and 2012, SodaStream’s sales in the Americas grew from $14 million to $158 million; the company’s current market value is estimated at $1.2 billion. With this increase in popularity has come the attention of the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions campaign (BDS), a loosely affiliated movement that urges consumers worldwide to shun Israeli goods and services until the country “complies with international law and Palestinian rights” by ending its occupation, establishing full equality for Palestinians in Israel, and offering the right of return to Palestinians abroad.”


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