Convocation 2013: meet Sarah Munawar

June 20, 2013

Sarah Munawar, who recently completed her undergraduate degree in Political Science, was able to provide some insight into her experience as an undergraduate:

One of my favourite memories from my undergrad is hyper-preparing for a political theory tutorial for POL200 and thinking, “One day I’m going to say something new and important about this stuff and minds will be blown.” This was after I spent four sleepless nights conducting an exegesis of Plato’s Republic in search of the esoteric.

The first time I read Hegel in POL320, I literally got heart palpitations in excitement. And the way Arendt was introduced to me in POL330 and the connection I felt to her writing at first read is something I will always remember.

I fell in love with political theory at U of T. And after a few experimental readings of Hegel and Nietzsche in POL381, I knew that this was where I belonged. Taking a graduate course taught by Professor Ronald Beiner just topped off my experience at U of T and was the perfect launch pad for the narrative of my becoming.


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