The war on knowledge? Debating the interplay between higher education, media, and society

April 2, 2013


  • Tony Burman, Velma Rogers Graham Research Chair, Ryerson University, former Chief Strategic Advisor for the Americas, Al-Jazeera , and former Editor-in-Chief, CBC News


  • Rick Salutin, Canadian novelist, playwright, journalist, and critic


  • Janice Gross Stein: Director of the Munk School of Global Affairs, University of Toronto and Associate Chair and Belzberg Professor of Conflict Management and Negotiation, University of Toronto’s Department of Political Science
  • Clifford Orwin: Professor of Political Science, Classics, and Jewish Studies, University of Toronto, Fellow of St. Michael’s College and Senior Fellow of Massey College
  • Scott Jaschik: Editor, Inside Higher Ed, and former editor, The Chronicle of Higher Education
  • Melonie Fullick: PhD candidate in postsecondary education policy, York University

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