New Faces

July 6, 2024

A very warm welcome to the newest members of the Political Science Community!

Myrthe Bartels (PhD, Leiden University) joins the department as a postdoctoral fellow working with Ryan Balot. Her research focuses on ancient Greek political thought. Her current project examines how Plato conceptualizes the philosopher’s loyalty to his city and the common good. Previously, she was a postdoctoral fellow at Durham University and at the University of Pisa. She also held a Junior Core Fellowship at the Central European University. She has published a book, Plato’s Pragmatic Project: A Reading of Plato’s ‘Laws, several book chapters and journal articles, and has contributed a chapter to the forthcoming Oxford Handbook of Ancient Greek Political Thought.

Patricia Mockler (PhD, Queen’s University) joins UTSG as Assistant Professor, Teaching Stream. Her research interests include political participation, deliberative democracy, and democratic innovations. Her work focuses on heterogeneity in political participation in the Canadian context, with an emphasis on non-electoral forms of participation. Previously, she was a postdoctoral fellow at Western University and the Canadian Opinion Research Archive.

Caleb Pomeroy (PhD, The Ohio State University) joins UTSG as Assistant Professor, with a joint appointment at the Munk School of Global Affairs and Public Policy. He researches the psychology of power in international relations, notably the effects of relative state power on human thought and behavior. His work is published or forthcoming at the American Political Science Review, International Organization, International Studies Quarterly, Journal of Peace Research, and Security Studies. He previously held fellowships at Stanford University and Dartmouth College.

Lana Salman (PhD, University of California, Berkeley) is a scholar of international development. She is interested in how women are politicized through city-making, practices of citizenship, and everyday state formation in the Middle East and North Africa. Before coming to UTSG, she was a fellow at Harvard University’s Middle East Initiative and a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellow at Ghent University.

Shardul Tiwari (PhD, Michigan Technological University) joins UTSG as a postdoctoral fellow working with Kate Neville on the CANSTOREnergy research project. As an interdisciplinary researcher, his work studies energy transition through an energy justice lens while looking at the intersection of energy policy, economics, and justice. He has over eight years of experience formulating and implementing renewable energy and energy efficiency policies in South Asia, Europe, and North America. He has previously engaged in energy efficiency and demand-side management projects for electrical utilities.