U of T Graduates Staying in Canada and Going Abroad

June 24, 2013

Recently U of T interviewed some of the graduating class of 2013 to inquire about the next step on their journey. Two Political Science students were asked about where they would go after U of T.

U of T Graduates Staying in Canada:

Patrick Baud is already an accomplished writer and published political analyst working as a researcher at the Institute for Competitiveness and Prosperity. While at U of T, he excelled in his studies and wrote for The Varsity student newspaper, acting as its sole columnist on Canadian politics and university affairs. Patrick also organized the revived University of Toronto Model Parliament, mentored in the Humanities for Humanity program and in the fall he will begin a master’s degree in political studies at Queen’s University, where his research will focus on Canadian defence and foreign policy, further preparing him for his planned career in public service.

To read more about Patrick and his plans after finishing at U of T click here.

U of T Graduates Going Abroad:

Farbod Saatsaz van Driel is an outstanding critical thinker and analyst of EuropeanStudies. He developed a specific interest in Kosovo after having taken a U of T course module in the Balkans. Farbod will soon begin an internship at a think tank in Kosovo, called the GAP Institute for Advanced Studies, before pursuing graduate work in Political Science at the University of Amsterdam.

To read more about Farbod and his plans after finishing at U of T click here.