Brown Bag on Research Ethics and the REB

September 25, 2012

Date: Wednesday, 3 October 2012
Time: 12-2pm
Location: Department Lounge

• Dean Sharpe, Research Ethics Board Manager for Social Sciences and Humanities
• Izabela Steflja, PhD candidate
Peter Loewen, Assistant Professor

Lee Ann Fujii, Assistant Professor

Come join us for a discussion of research ethics. If you are contemplating doing surveys, interviews, focus groups, field experiments, or any research involving human beings as “sources of data,” you will find this discussion very informative.

In the first hour, Dr. Dean Sharpe will give an overview of the Research Ethics Board at UofT and how the institution views the duties and responsibilities of scholars doing research with human “participants.”

In the second hour, two panelists will talk about various ethical dilemmas they have encountered doing research in a range of settings using very different methods. Prof. Loewen has conducted field and behavioural experiments in Malawi, Mongolia, Canada, the United States, and the United Kingdom. Ms. Steflja has recently completed field research in Bosnia, Serbia, and Rwanda where she interviewed a range of educated people, from students to local elites.

Lee Ann Fujii will moderate. She has conducted field research on political violence in Rwanda, Bosnia, and the United States.