July 4, 2022 by
A & S Communications
Congratulations to our faculty members who have received a Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) 2022 Insight Grant:
- Sylvia Bashevkin (Title of Project: Assessing the Impact of Abortion Rights Activism in Alberta, BC, Manitoba and Ontario, 1990 – 2025).
- Jessica Green (Title of Project: International NGOs and the Future of Climate Governance).
- Stefan Renckens with Principal Investigator Graeme Auld, Carleton University (Title of Project: Political Economy of Private Auditors in Transnational Sustainability Governance).
- Linda White with co-investigators Elizabeth Dhuey (UTSC Management), Michal Perlman (Applied Psychology and Human Development, OISE), and Brad Seward (Centre for Industrial Relations and Human Resources (Title of Project: From Future to Now Skills).
Insight Grants support research excellence in the social sciences and humanities, enabling scholars to address complex issues about individuals and societies and to further our collective understanding. A complete list of grant recipients is available here.