Follow the links below to learn more about the department's program success supports:
Student Life offer a range of graduate student supports including mentorship, a resource library, study hubs and Graduate workshops which can help you navigate the top challenges that grad school brings to your life.
The School of Graduate Studies offers a range of programs, supports and information to support student success. Workshops, trainings, and advising are organized through the Graduate Centre for Academic Communication, The Centre for Graduate Mentorship and Supervision and the Centre for Graduate Professional Development.
Writing support for graduate students is available through U of T’s Writing Centre. Additional resources—including writing groups and workshops are provided by Daniel Newman and the Faculty of Arts & Science.
Supporting Aboriginal Graduate Enhancement (SAGE) is a graduate, student-led group operating out of the Centre for Indigenous Studies. SAGE plans workshops, presentations, meetings and other events that focus on promoting the academic and personal development of Indigenous graduate students.
All graduate students can access appointments to see a learning strategist to develop an individualized strengths-based learning plan via CLNx or by contacting Ellyn Kerr at