Steven Bernstein

Professor, Chair, UTM
MN 5176


Fields of Study

Areas of Interest

  • Global Governance and Institutions
  • Environmental Politics
  • International Political Economy
  • Non-State Governance


Steven Bernstein is Distinguished Professor of Global Environmental and Sustainability Governance and Co-Director of the Environmental Governance Lab (Dept. of Political Science and School of the Environment) at University of Toronto. His research spans the areas of global governance and institutions, global environmental politics, international political economy, and policy studies. His publications include several authored or edited books and over 90 scholarly articles and book chapters. His current research projects investigate transformative policies and initiatives to achieve decarbonization, coherence and incoherence in global sustainability governance, and change and transformation in international relations and global environmental politics in theory and practice. He also holds an Honorary Doctorate from the University of Copenhagen.


BA (Hons), University of Western Ontario
MA, University of Toronto
PhD, University of Toronto