Sardana Nikolaeva

Course Instructor


Areas of Interest

  • Social and Cultural Anthropology
  • Ethnography
  • Indigenous Studies
  • Identity (Anthropology)
  • South African Politics and Society


Dr. Sardana Nikolaeva holds a PhD in Social and Comparative Analysis in Education from the University of Pittsburgh (USA) and a PhD in Cultural Anthropology from the University of Manitoba (Canada). Dr. Nikolaeva is currently a Postdoctoral Fellow with Ziibiing Lab (Global Indigenous Politics Collaboratory) at the Department of Political Science of the University of Toronto. Her work broadly centers on Indigenous politics, Indigenous classed and gendered experiences, geopolitical economy, economic sanctions, and extractivism.

Articles (published)
• “Anti-extractive Rumoring in the Russian North-East”, International Development Policy (2023)
• “Plurality of Activisms: Indigenous Women’s Collectives in Olenyek District (Sakha Republic)”, Sibirica: Interdisciplinary Journal of Siberian Studies (with the Indigenous Women’s Collectives of the Olenyek Evenki National District) (2023)
• “On the Importance of Native Consultants in Ethnological Impact Assessment in Sakha Republic”, Arctic Yearbook 2022 (with Maria Pavlova) (2022)
• “Post-Soviet Melancholia and Impossibility of Indigenous Politics in the Russian North.” Arctic XXI: Humanities and Social Sciences, NEFU 2(12): 12-22. (2017)


PhD, University of Pittsburgh
PhD, University of Manitoba