David Schneiderman



Areas of Interest

  • Canadian Constitutional Culture
  • Constitutional Impacts of Economic Globalizatio


Associate Professor of Law. Authored numerous articles and book chapters on Canadian constitutional law and history, comparative constitutional law, and economic globalization in such journals as Citizenship Studies, Constellations, Law and Social Inquiry, and University of Toronto Law Journal. Also Canadian correspondent for I•CON: International Journal of Constitutional Law. Co-authored The Last Word: Media Coverage of the Supreme Court of Canada and edited several books, including The Quebec Decision (1999); Charting the Consequences: The Impact of the Charter of Rights on Canadian Law and Politics (co-ed. 1997); Police Powers in Canada: The Police Power in History, Law, and Politics (co-ed. 1993); and Social Justice and the Constitution: Perspectives on a Social Union for Canada (co-ed. 1992). Current research interests concern Canadian constitutional culture and constitutional impacts of economic globalization.


MESc, McGill University
LLB, University of Windsor
LLM, Queen's University