- Mississauga (UTM)
Fields of Study
- Political Theory
- Comparative Politics
Areas of Interest
- Political Theory
- Comparative Politics
Arturo Chang is an Assistant Professor of Political Theory specializing in Comparative Political Theory, Post-colonial Thought, and Decolonial Politics. His research interests are primarily in the study of Indigenous and Black social movements, revolutionary change, popular politics, and the history of political thought in Latin America. His current project, Imagining America: International Commiseration and National Revolution in the Modern Post-colony, analyzes the influence of hemispheric discourse in the development of anti-colonial insurgency movements in Mexico, Colombia, Peru, and the United States during the Age of Revolutions. His research has appeared in the International Journal of Political Economy, Foreign Policy, and the Washington Post. Previously, Arturo was a Gaius Charles Bolin Fellow in the Department of Political Science at Williams College.