Rebecca E. Kingston

Rebecca E. Kingston

First Name: 
Rebecca E.
Last Name: 
Professor, Undergraduate Director & Associate Chair, UTSG
Phone : 
Office Location : 
SS 3117
Biography : 

She is author of Public Passion. Rethinking the Grounds for Political Justice (2011), Montesquieu and the Parlement of Bordeaux (1996), and she has edited several volumes as well as published numerous articles in the history of political thought. She is now working on a book entitled Plutarch’s Prism exploring the legacy of this classical thinker in the development of European political thought. She is Life Fellow at Clare Hall, University of Cambridge and recent holder of the RBC Oxford Bodleian Fellowship.

BA (Hons), University of Toronto
MA, l'Université de Paris- IV Sorbonne
PhD, McGill University

People Type:

Research Area:

Areas of Interest: 
  • History of Political Thought
  • Eighteenth Century French Political Thought