News & Announcements

Sylvia Bashevkin comments on NDP Leadership

January 4, 2012

NDP’s Female Contenders Must Offer Substance, Not Just Style Article by Sylvia Bashevkin, Professor of Political Science at the University of Toronto. 4 January 2012, The Globe and Mail The NDP leadership race presents, in many respects, a déjà vu experience. For more than 30 years, candidates for the federal party’s top job have claimed […]

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Semra Sevi talks about balancing academic and extracurricular activities

January 2, 2012

Semra always knew that she wanted to be a debater and dreamed of attending law school. So, when she arrived at U of T, she wasted no time jumping straight into an array of extracurricular activities. “I first discovered the many clubs at U of T at clubs day in my Frosh Week and never […]

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Michael Ignatieff teaches students about the hard realities of Parliament Hill

December 9, 2011

At Massey College, Michael Ignatieff teaches students about the hard realities of Parliament Hill By Lisa Bryn Rundle, UofT Magazine Winter 2012 While it’s not uncommon for engineering professors to have worked as engineers, or law professors to have worked as lawyers, you don’t find many political scientists who can draw on their experiences as […]

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Clifford Orwin examines the European Identity

December 9, 2011

Too big to fail, too vague to succeed; The old national allegiances stand muted, expressing themselves only in soccer stadiums. Yet, they still trump the continental one Article by Clifford Orwin, Professor of Political Science at the University of Toronto; Distinguished Fellow at Stanford University’s Hoover Institution 8 December 2011, The Globe and Mail Europe’s […]

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Harald Bathelt on the potential outcome of this week’s EU summit in Brussels

December 8, 2011

What if the euro leaders fail? Laura Stone, Toronto Star 6 December 2011 “Harald Bathelt, geography and political science professor at the University of Toronto, said he believes the EU leaders will come up with a solid fiscal union plan to get Europe back on track, enough to convince investors to have faith in the […]

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Jeffrey Kopstein discusses the Eurozone

December 8, 2011

Echoes of history threaten eurozone; The economic crisis is mired in the past while racing against time Madhavi Acharya-Tom Yew, Toronto Star 3 December 2011 “The European union is a response to Europe’s violent history. The initial hope was that by tying the economies of Germany and France together you would never have a war […]

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Professor Peter Loewen and PhD Candidate Paul Thomas discuss the Fair Representation Act in The Ottawa Citizen

November 28, 2011

Fair Isn’t Always Equal By Paul Thomas, Michael MacKenzie and Peter Loewen, The Ottawa Citizen When introducing the government’s new Fair Representation Act recently, Minister of Democratic Reform Tim Uppal declared that it “moves every single province towards the principle of representation by population.” In introducing the Liberal party’s response Friday, Stéphane Dion has prioritized […]

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Syrian government, Hezbollah websites hosted in Canada, U.S., says Citizen Lab

November 18, 2011

Author: Jennifer Lanthier U of T’s Ron Diebert, head of Citizen Lab, discusses websites hosted in Canada that represent groups sanctioned by the federal government. (Photo by Jon Horvatin) The University of Toronto’s Citizen Lab has found Canadian web servers are hosting websites connected to the Syrian government – including the website for Addounia TV, […]

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Iran and Its Nuclear Aspirations: A Q&A With Political Scientist Aurel Braun

November 16, 2011

President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad stated recently that Iran won’t retreat “one iota” from its nuclear program. A UN watchdog report has detailed suspected arms-related advances, which Ahmadinejad strongly criticizes, saying the organization is discrediting itself by siding with “absurd” US accusations. Writer Anjum Nayyar spoke to Professor Aurel Braun, a political scientist with expertise on the […]

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Janice Stein reappointed as director of Munk School

November 15, 2011

The Munk School of Global Affairs is celebrating the news that University Professor Janice Gross Stein, Belzberg Professor of Conflict Management and Negotiation, has been reappointed to lead the Munk School for a two-year term beginning July 1, 2012. The Agenda Committee of Academic Board approved the appointment at its Nov. 9 meeting. “Given the […]

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