News & Announcements

Early Career Teaching Award

April 19, 2023

Congratulations to Uahikea Maile on receiving a 2022-23 Early Career Teaching Award which recognizes faculty who demonstrate an ‘exceptional commitment to student learning, pedagogical engagement, and teaching innovation.’ Up to four awards are offered annually. Award recipients will be honoured at the annual Excellence in Teaching Reception to be held in the Fall.    

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JHI Program for the Arts

April 12, 2023

Congratulations to Maria Méndez Gutiérrez whose project ‘Embroidering Absence’ was selected for inclusion in the Jackman Humanities Institute (JHI) Program for the Arts 2023-2024. The program supports a range of events from small to large, designed to enhance, improve and raise the profile of the Arts at the University of Toronto. The theme for 2023-24 […]

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Awards of Excellence 2023

March 2, 2023

We are delighted to announce that Jonathan Craft, Dickson Eyoh, Lilach Gilady, Antoinette Handley, Ruth Marshall, Kanta Murali, Robert Vipond and Melissa Williams have been named this year’s recipients of the Northrop Frye Award (Faculty Team Category) for their collaboration on ‘The Undergraduate Curriculum Renewal Project,’ which developed and implemented a major renovation of the […]

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Annual undergraduate award and scholarship celebration returns to in-person delivery

January 26, 2023

Congratulations to our 2021/22 undergraduate award & scholarship recipients! Following a two-year hiatus, the department was delighted to return to hosting our undergraduate awards in-person this year to celebrate our student’s outstanding scholarly talent, dedication, and commitment. Associate Chair and Undergraduate Director and Professor Kanta Murali, M.C. for the celebrations, welcomed student award recipients, their […]

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Remembering Caroline Andrew

December 1, 2022

The department is very sad to learn of the death of Caroline Andrew, distinguished professor emeritus at the School of Political Studies at the University of Ottawa, leading researcher on women and politics and an advocate for the Franco-Ontarian community. Sister to professor emeritus Edward Andrew here in the department, Caroline received her PhD in […]

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Award Shortlist

November 30, 2022

Congratulations to Lynette Ong whose article “Thugs and Outsourcing of State Repression in China,” was shortlisted for the first annual Routledge Area Studies Award (Impact section). From the website: “The judges praised the high standard and quality of all the Award applications received. Our aim was to highlight original published research which showcases the unique […]

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Winning Research

November 23, 2022

Congratulations to our faculty members who have received a Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) 2022 Insight Development Grant: Phillip Lipscy (Title of Project: Institutional Racism in International Relations). Lynette Ong (Title of Project: The Politics of Real Estate in China and Hong Kong). Alison Smith (Title of Project: The Politics of […]

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UTM Research Prize

October 26, 2022

Congratulations to Alison Smith who has received one of UTM’s annual research prizes for 2021-2022. Awarded to outstanding early career faculty members from the Humanities, Social Sciences and the Sciences, the award is open to tenured or tenure-stream faculty whose major appointment is at the University of Toronto Mississauga. Awards are made on the basis […]

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Britta Baumgarten Memorial Prize 2022

October 13, 2022

Congratulations to Kate Neville whose co-authored article “Slow Justice: A Framework for Tracing Diffusion and Legacies of Resistance” has been awarded the 2022 Britta Baumgarten Memorial Prize by the journal Social Movement Studies. The online announcement is as follows: “We dedicate this memorial prize to a wonderful colleague who left us far too soon, Britta […]

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Aisha Ahmad among Royal Society of Canada’s Class of 2022

September 8, 2022

Congratulations to Professor Aisha Ahmad who is among 54 new Members of the RSC (Royal Society of Canada) College. The College consists of mid-career leaders who provide the RSC with a multigenerational capacity to help Canada and the world address major challenges and seize new opportunities including those identified in emerging fields. Professor Ahmad is […]

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