News & Announcements

Developing a child care system that works for everyone

July 20, 2016

In the federal budget of 2016, it declared that “high-quality, affordable child care is more than a convenience—it’s a necessity.” In Policy Options magazine, Linda White’s co-authored article ‘Beyond baby steps: Planning for a national child care system’ examines the needs, financial implications and possible implementation strategies of affordable child care for all Canadians. The […]

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Experts weigh in on U.S. shootings

July 11, 2016

U of T News recently spoke to a number of experts regarding the recent spate of shootings in Louisiana, Minnesota and Dallas. Peter Loewen, associate professor of political science and director of the Centre for the Study of the United States at U of T’s Munk School of Global Affairs, began by addressing the political […]

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Ontario exploring pilot program for guaranteed annual income

July 6, 2016

Ontario is moving forward with exploring the idea of a basic minimum income, something that could be a big win for millennials, according to one University of Toronto expert. The province announced last week it was appointing former senator Hugh Segal to report back by fall on what a pilot basic minimum income project could […]

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New roles for Political Science faculty

July 5, 2016

Two University of Toronto Political Science faculty will be taking on new roles effective July 1, 2016. Congratulations to Professor Rob Vipond who will be serving as Interim Director for a six month term at the Centre for the Study of the United States (CSUS) at the Munk School of Global Affairs and to Professor […]

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Brexit ‘might lead to more integration’

June 27, 2016

Euro-skepticism, on the rise in many parts of the continent, was highlighted by the UK’s recent decision to exit the European Union. Carolina de Miguel Moyer, an assistant professor of political science at the University of Toronto spoke to The National Post saying, “What’s happening in Britain is not isolated and it’s not a coincidence. […]

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Young Canadian expats ponder future following Brexit

June 27, 2016

Phil Triadafilopoulos, an associate professor of political science at the University of Toronto, spoke to Metro following the UK’s decision to leave the EU about the implications of the exit for young people. “Younger people valued their ability to move around and voted overwhelmingly to remain, and older people saw this freedom of movement as […]

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Brexit ‘a disaster’ for UK

June 24, 2016

Political scientist Randall Hansen, currently in England covering the ’Brexit’ campaign has called the result a ’disaster’. Hansen, an internationally renowned expert on European affairs at the University of Toronto’s Munk School of Global Affairs, spoke with U of T News about the UK’s decision to leave the European Union after a divisive, often bitter […]

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Connaught Award Winners

June 22, 2016

Congratulations to Ludovic Rheault and Robert Schertzer, both Political Science Assistant Professors at the University of Toronto, who have been selected to receive a 2015-2016 Connaught `New Researcher Award`. The Connaught Fund is an internal program that provides U of T researchers with funding to further their work and is the largest university research funding […]

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CPSA prize winner

June 22, 2016

Congratulations to political science PhD student Adrienne Davidson, a recent CPSA Prize recipient! Along with Dr. Christopher Alcantara, Adrienne won the ‘2016 John McMenemy Prize’ for the article ‘Negotiating Aboriginal Self Government Agreements in Canada: An Analysis of the Inuvialuit Experience.’ The article appears in Vol. 48(3) of the Canadian Journal of Political Science. For […]

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Governments of Yukon and N.W.T. continue to echo southern Canadian norms

June 13, 2016

Jerald Sabin, who recently completed his PhD in political science at University of Toronto, spoke to CBC News about why the governments of Yukon and Northwest Territories continue to echo southern Canadian norms despite decades of Indigenous activism and innovation in political institutions created out of land claims. His dissertation is titled ‘Contested colonialism: the […]

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