Orientation and Important Dates

The following dates and deadlines are by no means a complete list, but will give you a good idea of important dates to help you plan your initial couple of weeks in the Department. The information below highlights events and procedures connected to orientation, registration, and enrolment as you prepare to begin your studies here.

Dates tentative as of May 16, 2024


This refers to payment of fees and is what activates your student status for the current academic year.

July 15th: Registration begins. If you are an MA student admitted with conditions (see letter of offer) your registration will be blocked until the graduate office has received the appropriate documents necessary to clear your conditions. If you don’t have transcripts indicating the granting of your degree you must submit an official letter from your school indicating that your program requirements have been completed and that you will be recommended to graduate. This must be received by August 31st. If you have questions about this please notify a graduate office staff person.

If you are a PhD student admitted with conditions, conditional registration is permitted for a maximum of one term. Fill in and return your form in order to register.

August 23rd: Deadline to pay fees or submit Request for Fees Arrangement forms in order for your registration to be processed in time for the September 13th registration deadline. Fees Arrangement is only available to scholarship holders whose scholarship is large enough to cover their minimum fee payment. Minimum fee payment amount is located on your tuition invoice.

September 13th: Deadline for fees to be processed. Any registration (fee payment or arrangement) processed after this date will incur late fees.

Course Enrolment

Course enrolment is the process of officially recording your course selections by enroling on the student web service, ACORN. For both MAs and PhDs, a program of study must be approved by the MA Supervisor or the Graduate Director (respectively). The process for getting this approval will be discussed further at orientation. If an unapproved change in your program of study results in difficulty in meeting your degree requirements, you may have to complete additional coursework which may add to the length of your degree (and the amount of tuition fees!)

TBA Enrolment in Political Science courses begins via the student web service (if you are thinking of taking a course in another department check into their initial enrolment dates as they may be earlier or later). It is recommended that students take some time to "shop around" a little during the first and second week of classes to find courses which suit them before officially enroling. MA students are required to list their courses on a registration/enrolment form which must be approved by the MA supervisor prior to the deadline to add courses (September 21st).

September 3rd: First day of classes at the Faculty of Law – this applies to all courses on our timetable where the undergrad course code begins with “LAW” and/or the grad course code begins with JPJ.

September 3rd: First day of classes for courses offered through the Department of Political Science (except for those associated with the Faculty of Law – see above).

September 18th: Deadline to enrol in first-term and full-year courses (“F” and “Y” courses). (Students are encouraged to “shop around” for suitable classes during the first couple of weeks of classes except in the case of required courses).

October 28th: Deadline to drop first-term courses without academic penalty. Students can drop courses on ROSI but please remember to get approval for your program of study before making any changes.


Orientation is a series of events hosted by the Department of Political Science to introduce incoming students to various aspects of life at the University. 

Tentative Orientation Schedule (see details on the Orientation Agenda)

  • September 3rd: GASPS Orientation events – Room SS3130 (3:00 pm to 5:00 pm)
  • September 4th: Departmental Orientation events – Room SS3130 (9:00 am to 11:00 am)
  • September 6th: T.A. Orientation Workshop – Room SS3037 (12:30 pm to 2:00 pm)
  • September 13th: MA and PhD Grad Student discussion groups – Rooms SS3130 & SS3037 (2:00 pm to 4:00 pm)
  • September 15th: Department Orientation Picnic – Christie Pits Park
  • TBA: SSHRC and OGS Scholarship Application Seminar (4:00 to 6:00 pm)