Fall/Winter Timetable

POL447H1Y L0101

Political Economy of Development


This course explores the rise, evolution, and performance of the dominant neoliberal approach to development and poverty reduction. It also assesses the feasibility and efficacy of alternative development strategies at the national, local, and international levels. Case studies are drawn from Latin America, Asia, and Africa.

Format and Requirements

This is a seminar course. Students are evaluated on the basis of a seminar presentation, three critical reflections on required readings, 1 research essay, and class participation.


Introductory economics is helpful, but not required.


POL201H1/ POL201Y1/ POL218H1/ POL301H1/ POL301Y1/ POL305H1/ POL305Y1/ POL309H1/ POL325H1/ POLB90H3/ POLB91H3
