Fall/Winter Timetable

POL410H1F L0101

Graduate Course Code: POL2391H1F L0101

Topics in Comparative Politics III

Globalization and Indigenous Peoples


The course introduces students to critical considerations of globalization from the perspective of indigenous peoples. Issues explored in the course include indigenous epistemologies, impacts of globalization on indigenous peoples, international indigenous organizing, human rights and indigenous social movements. The course examines indigenous communities as heterogeneous locations where not only impacts of globalization but forms of engagement and resistance take various forms. These tensions and intersections are considered within the broader framework of colonialism, patriarchy and capitalism.


Mander, Jerry and Victoria Tauli-Corpuz, Eds. (2006). Paradigm wars: Indigenous peoples' resistance to globalization. San Francisco & Los Angeles, Sierra Club Books & University of California Press;
Henderson, James Youngblood. Indigenous Diplomacy and the Rights of Peoples: Achieving UN Recognition. Saskatoon: Purich, 2008. Course reader.

Format and Requirements

Seminar Participation (20%), Bi-Weekly Comments (15%), Critical Analysis (25%), Research Paper (40%)


2.0 credits in POL/ JPA/ JPF/ JPI/ JPR/ JPS/ JRA courses