Fall/Winter Timetable

POL487H1F L0101

Graduate Course Code: POL2206H1F L0101

Topics in International Politics II

The Dynamics of Global Regionalism in the International Political Economy


This small seminar explores the post-Cold-War phenomenon of multi-state regions, whether these be groupings of neighbouring governments like the European Union, security regions like NATO, or functional regions such as the Organization of American States which works on environmental or health issues in the Western Hemisphere. As a workshop, we focus especially on current research being done not just on the various types of regions that exist but on how national governments use them to promote their generally competing interests both locally (Mercosur) and globally (BRICS) in often rapidly changing ways. (CETA and the Transpacific Partnership are current mega-regional phenomena which Canada is promoting.)


There is no single text: between 70 and 100 pages of readings are assigned each week from articles and chapters: consult the syllabus on the Political Science department website for the details.

Format and Requirements

Students write weekly reports on seminar readings, present their research to their peers, and participate actively in class discussions (60%). The major research essay is worth 40%.


POL208H1 or POL208Y1 or POL209H5 or POLB80H3