Fall/Winter Timetable

POL478H1S L0101

Graduate Course Code: POL2578H1S L0101

Topics in Methods

Introduction to Game Theory


This course is an introduction to game theory: the mathematical analysis of strategic decision-making. Most of the course is organized around classes of “games” (representations of strategic environments) and “solution con¬cepts” (methods of deriving predictions). Although much of the material is inevita¬bly abstract, when possible we will appeal to applications from political science. We will not avoid technical detail, but the course focuses on “tools” rather than epistemology or critique. Along the way, we will also review some mathematical foundations, e.g. how to write proofs, how we get from preferences to utility functions, and elements of individual and social choice theory.


Watson, Joel. 2013. Strategy: An Introduction to Game Theory. Third Edition. New York, NY: W. W. Norton & Company (for sale at the Bookstore).

Format and Requirements

Five problem sets (15% each for 75% total) handed out in class by the instructor and due the following week in class.
A take-home test (25% of the course grade) handed out in session 11 and due in session 12.

