Fall/Winter Timetable

POL486H1S L0101

Graduate Course Code: POL2205H1S L0101

Topics in International Politics I

The Emergence of Modern World Politics


This course deals with the emergence of world politics as a specific form of politics in the context of the transformation of modern society particularly during the 19th century, and the global spread of world politics during the 19th and 20th centuries. The first main course goal is to enable students to understand and critically assess the degree to which world politics is not a practice which somehow takes place as an exchange between pre-existing political units, but that changes in the form of these units the shape of the system of world politics are closely linked to each other; the second major goal is to introduce students to work systematically with resources from sociological theory and global history research in the study of international relations. The main course assignment is a 6000-word research paper. A core text used will be J. Osterhammel, The Transformation of the World (Princeton University Press 2014).



Format and Requirements



POL 208Y


POL208H1 or POL208Y1 or POL209H5 or POLB80H3